Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Rehoming Marius and Hachi (Part 1)

December 22, 2012

The whole family would be spending Christmas 2012 in my place.  First time I'm hosting the annual event, solo.  Problem is Brandie.  Her pups are so lovable, and the kids would surely love them.  Dunno about Brandie. How would she react?  Would she be the protective Mom?

The pups are almost 2 months now.  I decided to re-home Marius and Hachi to my neighbors.

The first night was heart breaking.  Both pups were crying the whole night.  Their 3 remaining siblings with me could hear them.  And they would cry, too.  They were all crying in unison.  As if calling each other.  Reminds me of that scene in 101 Dalmatians. Brandy, though not howling or crying, was also uneasy that evening.

I hardly slept that night.  It was as if I gave away my babies and I could  hear them crying and calling for me, "Dad!  Dad! Where are you? We wanna go home!"

The next day, I decided to take them back.  I'll just re-home them again after the holidays.  My family would be complete, as well as my 4-legged family.  :)

Hachi catching up on sleep after a restless night with my neighbor.

Marius giving me that  "Dad, how could you?" look.

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